What Will Tomorrow Bring?

The process of planning, assessment, and evaluation as it applies to a board of directors and staff of an association or not-for-profit society. This strategic planning workshop will help a group to define their own future and take them on the first step to achieving it.


Defining and Achieving Your Desired Future


The process of planning, assessment, and evaluation as it relates to a board of directors of an association or not-for-profit society.


Without an effective planning process an association is doomed to muddle from crisis to crisis and from day to day. Once the purpose, directions, goals, tactics, and strategy have been mapped out by the board of directors, all daily activities become focused on achievement of crucial results. After an action plan is developed, a process of follow-through and support, assessment, evaluation and celebration must complete the planning cycle in preparation for a new beginning.

Time Required

7-8 hours (full day)


Using experiential exercises, participants will engage in team building and perspective clarification before beginning to actually plan. Then a series of exercises and simulations will develop skills in data gathering, direction selection, goal setting, action planning, follow-through and support, assessment, evaluation and celebration. Participants will come away from the day with an understanding of the "power cycle", "the provolutionary grid" and John Carver's concepts of board policy formation. They will also have made some initial plans and will know how to design and run a formal planning process.

Of interest to

Board and committee chairs, board and committee members, executive directors, and staff who work in associations.

Let's Get to work.

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