It's a new year and you have another 12 months in which to become famous. ChefGail was a well-know personality in Edmonton but she didn't get famous from self-promotion. It took hard work at the community level where she gave as good as he got. Is this the year you will receive an award?
#5 If you can't serve, you can't rule. Bulgarian wisdom
Whenever awards are handed out you will notice that the award recipients got credit for contributions did that are over and beyond their job. No business leader has ever won an award for just for doing their job. In every case they served on committees, coached minor sports, or volunteered at community events. It was the things they did away from work that made them stand out.
Gail’s work life was very busy yet she still served on a diverse range of boards from the Chamber of Commerce to a theatre company. She was involved in work related activities as well such as conferences, meetings, and government lobbying. Her volunteer activities made her well known in the community and boosted her self-esteem.
Like a true leader, she did not get involved to win awards but the recognition did come over time. You can follow a similar path. Start slowly and at the beginning of your career choose ad hoc committees that complete a task and then disband. You can also volunteer for a conference or event organizing committee that will keep you busy for a whole year. As you gain confidence and experience look for boards or policy committees that meet on a regular basis. Attend all the meetings, complete your commitments, and you will soon be invited to join more influential committees where you can make your mark. Volunteering is the rent you pay for being given a career. As your career matures you may find yourself being called forward to receive an award but more importantly, you’ll find your life enriched with friends, memories, and self worth.